Written By Neil WW Gilliat
Since I sent out a few copies of my first draft I have had fantastic response from so many people that it has required a whole new approach as well as a lot more work and time to handle the new material. I could go on for along time listing all the help I have received from within, and from outside, the family.
The Illinois /Indiana Gilliatts (Ron Gilliat and DeAnne Hays, Robin Henderson) have been very helpful and there has, and still is a hope, that we can find a connection between the two sets of early Gilliats. Unfortunately the records of the early colonial days were not too good and of the few records that did exist, many were destroyed during the Civil War.
Chris Codrington who supplied information on the West Indies Gilliats.
Tim Sandberg of Calgary who has steered things my way along with information on the FLOYERS of Lincolnshire.
Years ago my Aunt Hilda Gilliat of Driffield and my Uncle Alf of Guelph, Ontario did a lot of the early work and strengthened my interest.
Roy Walker has probably done more research than anyone.
My first cousin Irene Kilpatrick wrote the 'Stories My Mother Told Me' which painted a picture of the hard times in Lincolnshire at the end of the nineteenth century and on in to the early twentieth.
Recent help came from Dorothy Gilliat Barger (OHIO) who supplied so many photos and other material that introduced us to the episode in Rugby, Tennessee and her brother Bob Gilliat, a great example of the Gilliat family.
Carol Grainger who has built a fine web site on the Internet, introduced us to a tremendous amount of data and did much to encourage her Uncle, Leslie Gilliat of film fame to write a whole section on the early film days. It was through her web site that Mary Priebe (MICHIGAN) the grand daughter of George Lincoln and a whole new branch to the tree discovered us.
The latest is the Texans and a hearty thanks to Mac Gilliat and his sister for supplying so much information and photographs not only of the Texas Gilliats but of many others in the family. Macs grandfather kept a diary and on his visits to England recorded much about the family tree.
To all of you who have hunted for old photos and supplied dates and information thank you so much. It is far from complete but I think we have come a long way and I tried to arrange the writing so that we can always add information without fear of having to start all over again.
Neil W. W. Gilliat
PS: there is a lot of information about my own near family for which I do not apologize for I hope it creates a challenge for others to bring more balance by contributing their own family stories.