BENJAMIN GILLIAT 1770 - 1837 2ND GEN. JAMES GILLIAT 1767-1846 Son of William and Elizabeth James never married and lived in Donnington on Bain an agricultural village some ten miles or so north of Horncastle. He was described as 'A Gentleman'. He left one and a half thousand pounds to his sister Ann Longstaff's children who also lived in Donnington on Bain. Lincolnshire. 2ND GEN. JOSEPH GILLIAT 1769-1843 Joseph also never married and he was also thought to have lived the life of a Gentleman. It is noted that he inherited ten pounds for 'mourning' from his sister Elizabeth. Very little else is known of his activities‚ NB. I hope I am not suggesting he spent his whole life mourning his sister for ten pounds. 2ND GEN. SAMUEL GILLIAT 1772-1814. Horncastle Lincolnshire Married (1) JANE KIRTON She died 1805 (2) MARY HUTCHISON 1767-1838 JANE KIRTON was the third of the Kirton family to marry a Gilliat. Her parents were Jane and Thomas Kirton from Gedney-Hill in South Lincolnshire. Children of SAMUEL GILLIAT and JANE KIRTON are: HENRY GILLIAT 1801-1832 FREDRICK KIRTON GILLIAT 1801-1804 Child of SAMUEL GILLIAT and MARY HUTCHISON is: 3RD GEN. MARY FRANCES GILLIAT b 1807, married H.F.CONNINGTON in 1828 Child of MARY GILLIAT and H.F.CONNINGTON is: HENRY FRANCES CONNINGTON b 1830, married MARIA GILLIAT 1859, daughter of ADKIN J GILLIAT and had been married first to WM HENRY GILLIAT Samuel was born in 1772 and became a Surgeon. He also was the third among his brothers to marry another of the Kirton ladies who seemed to be so popular with the family. They had two sons one Henry died at the age of 31 without issue and the second, Frederick Kirton died in infancy. He also lost his wife Jane Kirton and remarried Mary Hutchinson (1767-1838) and they had a daughter Mary who married Henry Francis Connington. They in turn had a son Henry who married Maria Gilliat. Samuel died Dec 29 1814 at the age of 42 years and was buried in the family plot at Scrivelsby. 2ND GEN. ROBERT GILLIAT 1774-1774 Robert the last child of William and Elizabeth died at childbirth in 1774 BENJAMIN GILLIAT 1770-1837 lived in Horncastle Lincolnshire He married (1) ELIZA KIRTON (2) RACHEL CLITHEROW 1773-1847 married 1814 Children of BENJAMIN GILLIAT and ELIZA KIRTON are: MARTHA GILLIAT 1798-1813 SOPHIA GILLIAT 1800-1866 GEORGE GILLIAT 1802-1873 MARIA GILLIAT 1804-1813 Benjamin was the seventh son of William and Elizabeth and by the time he came of age some of his older brothers were already well established in their chosen vocations. William and Richard were both very successful farmer 'graziers' and John and Thomas already had a foothold in Virginia. Samuel his younger brother was studying to become a surgeon while the two older than him, James and Joseph, were probably helping their mother on the farm and would retire early on the money left them by their father and never married, both choosing to live the quiet and comfortable life of a country gentlemen. Horncastle a town of 2000 people was the main trading center in the region and just three or four miles from Scrivelsby. Owing to lack of communications there was little or no trade outlet except by trains of packhorses or stage wagons over often impassable country roads. Sir John Banks of Revesby Abbey was responsible for construction to start in 1793 of a canal linking Horncastle with Tattershall and the English Midlands. The canal was to be the catalyst that brought growth and prosperity to Horncastle and opened up a period of economic opportunity. From the pages of 'The Horncasle and Tattershall Canal' by J. N. Clarke it can be seen that Benjamin Gilliat and later his son George were local entrepreneurs that took advantage of these new found opportunities. The new canal was formed into a company named the Horncastle Navigation Company its motto on the Common Seal was 'Auspicium melioris aevi' which roughly means '“omen of a better age' and Benjamin was one of the shareholders. Just when it was that Benjamin purchased property in Horncastle along the bank of the proposed waterway is not clear. However, in 1800 he and partner John Wilson (Gilliat and Wilson) were in business with a ketch of 34 tons named 'MARTHA', that plied the first stretch of the canal to be completed between Tattershall and a wharf at Dalderby, about halfway to Horncastle where goods were brought the rest of the way by wagon. It is quite possible that they were in operation as early as 1997 with their barge, operating between Dalderby‚ Lincoln and Boston. There seems to have been the usual financial problems and some poor engineering but the canal eventually made it to Horncastle. From a local newspaper the Stamford Mercury the following Quote:-'On Friday 17th September 1802 a public holiday was called in Horncastle so that all the people in the town could celebrate completion of the canal and its opening to traffic along its entire length from Horncastle to the River Witham (Tatershall). At one o'clock the vessels Betsy owned by J. Cuthill of Lincoln but registered in Horncastle, and Martha of Daldery Wharf owned by Gilliatt & Wilson, Wharfingers of Church Lane, Horncastle, and the British Queen owned by Mr. Boyers of Bridge Street Wharf, Horncastle entered the North and South Basins in turn, pulled slowly by ropes and dressed overall with flags and bunting. They were cheered by 2000 spectators. A band situated on a pleasure boat owned by a Mr. Lane played 'God Save the Queen'‚'Rule Britannia'‚ 'Hearts Of Oak' and other rousing tunes. The shareholders of the canal company 'partook of a festive repast'‚ at the 'Greyhound Inn'‚ then situated at the corner of East Street near the South Basin. The navies and bankers who had worked on the canal celebrated on barges in both basins, and were supplied with free beer and food for the occasion. A few weeks afterwards the shareholders held a ball to celebrate the opening.' Benjamin had developed the Wharf in Horncastle, which was located on Church Lane just a few yards from the church. He was part owner of GILLIAT and WILSON who operated a barge or ship building yard down the lane near Benjamin Gilliat's home 'Bannuvallum House'‚ which he had purchased by 1802. Over the next years he constructed some warehousing to complement his boat building operation. Banovallum is the old Roman name for Horncastle, which was a walled Roman Camp and some of the foundations of the wall, are still visible although over the years much of the stone was used for other buildings. The house built in 1790 is still well preserved and is presently occupied by the Lincolnshire Trust and is classified as an historic building. Benjamin found a bride in the late 1790's, ELIZA KIRTON who was the third of three Kirton sisters to become the wives of the Gilliat brothers. They were to have four children; the first was Martha (1798-1813) who died at the age of fifteen. The second was Sophia (1800-1866) who was to marry her cousin William Gilliat son of Richard Gilliat. They lived for many years in Richmond, Virginia before retiring to Barnum House, East Hoathly, Sussex. In 1802 the year the canal was opened George Gilliat was born and lastly Maria Gilliat was born in 1804 but died at the age of nine years. The Benjamin Gilliat enterprises were very successful, he had several barges plying the canals hauling among other things, wool to the Yorkshire mills, and returning with coal from the Yorkshire mines. Listed were the Ketch 'Martha'‚ of 34 tons, the sloop 'Margaret'‚ of 42 tons, The Keel 'King George'‚ of 41 tons, and the sloop 'Maria'‚ of 42 tons. They were all referred to as barges but the individual shape, masts and sails identified them as Sloops, Ketches or Keels. On the 3rd of January 1810 the canal company ordered a Lighter to be built by Ben Gilliat to be used for taking sand and gravel from the dredging operations of the canal. This was interesting to some as Benjamin was a shareholder at the time and there was some question as to whether it was advertised although often such advertising was done through the Town Crier and if you were not listening it was to bad. What was not mentioned in the book that Richard Clitherow was a lawyer in Horncastle and had held office and represented the company almost from the its inception. A few years later on the death of his wife Eliza, Benjamin in 1814 married the sister of the Horncastle lawyer RACHAEL CLITHEROW 1773-1847. They did not have children. 2ND GEN. GEORGE GILLIAT 1802-1873 married (1) CATHERINE BETHAM (2) ANN CAPARN 1833 Children of GEORGE GILLIAT and CATHHERINE BETHAM are: EDWARD GILLIAT b 1841 CHARLES GILLIAT 1843-1897 m M HILL KATHERINE GILLIAT 1844-1920 m SAM BAKER ELEANOR GILLIAT 1848-1920 GEORGE HENRY GILLIAT 1850-1890 JESSIE MARIA GILLIAT b 1852 m DR EDWARD JEPSON d MD at Durham ARTHUR GILLIAT 1855-1935 Leeds (Chemical Merchant) Children of GEORGE GILLIAT and ANN CAPARN are: FANNY GILLIAT 1834-1914 FREDRICK GILLIAT 1837-1918 George Gilliat was to enter into his father's business and was heavily involved with the canal company through the years. He took over the business in 1837 when his Benjamin died. Branching out into other ventures he built a malt house on the wharf front and became a purveyor of malt. He was partner in a brewery (1835 Gilliat and Hall, were listed as brewers on Bridge Street, Horncastle} and owned The Black Horse Inn . George farmed 530 acres of land at Thimbleby a village just west of Horncastle employing 17 labourers and five boys. The 1851 census records that he employed a cook, housemaids also two nurse maids who lived in the Banovallum House. He had an extensive family and he had a third story added to the house. For some years the business remained very good but the canal was about to see a down turn as the railroads began to spread around England. George however, secured a lucrative contract hauling coal and goods for the Great Northern Railway Company, which also helped to keep the canal in business. George was Treasurer for the Canal Company and fought a long battle to keep it alive. Life in Horncastle was good to the Gilliats but the rapid growth over the years also brought a rougher side to the community. The Great August Horse Fair at Horncastle had gained such a reputation that it was to establish the prices for all sorts of horses throughout the country. Prospective purchasers came from all parts of the kingdom as well as from Europe and America for the great event, which began on the 11th of August and lasted for ten days. It was also a busy time both for the invading host of pickpockets and the local police. Among the many incidents reported by the Stamford Mercury over the years was one on August 19th 1840 when '6 or 8 prigs followed an old man down by Mr. Gilliat's yard and tried to get his mare away from him -- it had cost him fourteen pounds, and they apparently were offering him four!' Another occasion was reported, 'April 1845 Sunday morning about 11 o'clock there was a party of tramps and lodging house people turned out of Daft's (a local watering hole of no good repute) drunk who went into the churchyard and insulted Mr. Geo Gilliat and family on their way to church. Same evening just about 6 o'clock another party of canal bankers turned out of Daft's tap, drunk. One of the men began to make water just under Mrs. Clayton's window.' George also married twice, first Catherine Betham who bore him four sons and secondly Ann Caparn, the daughter of the John Caparn, Chemist and Druggist, who had a son and a daughter. George had received a well-rounded education in Horncastle. There had been a school in Horncastle for many years and in 1813 a National School was established. This last was maintained by means of a general subscription, and the committee which was set up to manage it had included Benjamin Gilliat; the subscription was supplemented by annual benefactors and the list in 1814 indicates the public spiritedness of the leading inhabitants of the town including several members of the Gilliat family from the surrounding villages. CHILDREN OF GEORGE GILLIAT 3RD GEN. EDWARD GILLIAT (1841-1915) married in 1871 EMILY LOUISA BONUS, she died 1912. Children of EDWARD GILLIAT and EMILY BONUS are: LILUS ELIZABETH GILLIAT b 1878 EDWARD NORMA GILLIAT 1881-1918 Killed in WWI NESTA CATHERINE GILLIAT b 1887 Edward was the eldest son of George and Catherine Betham. He was seriously inflicted with typhoid as a child and was blind for almost a year. George withdrew him from the local grammar school and sent him to Sussex where he was taught by a private tutor Cannon Sanderson of Sleaford. He went on to study Classics at Oxford University, and in 1864 obtained a first class Honours in Classical Moderations and the first Literae Humaniores. (Whew!) In 1867 he was offered the position of Assistant Master at Westminster School (London) and was ordained priest by the Bishop of London in 1871. In September of that year he took up a teaching post at Harrow School where he succeeded Mathew Arnold at Byron House and remained for the next thirty years. In 1877 he wrote the first of many novels: Asylum Christi; a story of the Dragonnades. It was received with acclaim: 'A book of remarkable promise', said the Spectator; 'A really carefully written historical novel', echoed the Guardian. After this initial success a new book was to appear every two or three years, until the year 1911, well into the years of Edward Gilliat's retirement. Some were novels; several adventure stories for boys, one or two school editions of works by Walter Scott. I have been able to pick up half a dozen of his books on the used and rare book sites on the Internet. Assylum Christi remains something of an enigma. Its unusual theme focuses on the persecution of the Huguenots in Louis XIV's France, culminating in the Revocation of The Edicts of Nantes in 1685. It is not surprising that Edward was one of the founders of The Huguenot Society in London. Edward Gilliat retired first to St. Catherine's Hill, Worcester, then to Avonhurst, Bathampton and died suddenly on the 10th of December 1915 from injuries received after being knocked down by a motor car while he was crossing Pultney Bridge in Bath. Edward was married to Emily L. Bonus and they had 5 daughters and one son Edward who died in the World War I in 1918 without being married. I have no record of the daughters as to whether they married FURTHER CHILDREN OF GEORGE GILLIAT 3RD GEN. ARTHUR GILLIAT 1855-1935 in Leeds married in 1887 MARY GERTRUDE SOWRY 1866 in All Souls Leeds Children of ARTHUR GILLIAT and MARY SOWRY are: HAROLD GILLIAT b January 24 1888 DOROTHY MARY GILLIAT b January 23 1892 KATHLEEN GILLIAT b September 17 1893 ARTHUR RAYMOND GILLIAT b April 23 1898 RUTH GILLIAT b February 22 1907 Edward Gilliat's younger brother Arthur, some fourteen years his junior, was still very close to Edward and attended Westminster School as a pupil while Edward was teaching there. He later joined the firm of E. G. Jepson and Co., chemical merchants of Leeds. In 1885 Jepson retired and within a short while Arthur Gilliat and Joseph Hudson were the sole proprietors of the firm. At the age of 31 Arthur married Gertrude Mary Sowry in 1887 at All Souls Church in Leeds. He lived in the city for the rest of his life and for a time he was acting Vice-Consul to the Netherlands. He was an avid cyclist and claimed some fame by being the first man to ride a penny-farthing all the way from Leeds to London. It took him 22 hours and 16 minutes, and arriving at London Bridge he was thrilled to find a crowd there to welcome him. Arthur and Gertrude had five children, three daughters, and two sons Harold and Arthur both of who became partners in the chemical company at Leeds. They sold the company in 1972. ________________________________________________ The first son of Arthur and Gertrude was: 4TH GEN. HAROLD GILLIAT (1888 -) married JEANNE BONNAMOUR a French nurse that Harold had met during the First World War. She was served for a while as the French Consulate in Leeds. Children of HAROLD GILLIAT and JEANE BONEAMOUR are: JEANNINE MARY FRANCES GILLIAT b 1922 Leeds Bedford Court, mar EDWARD PETER NICHOLSON 1944 MONIQUE CECILE GILLIAT b 1926 Lived in Leeds m TREVOR HOLDSWORTH (Please see article at the end of this section.} The second son in the family and a partner with Harold was:- 4TH GEN. ARTHUR 'RAYMOND' GILLIAT April 23 1898 married in 1934 DIANA MARY PAUL. Who was born 1913. Children of ARTHUR 'RAYMOND' GILLIAT and DIANA PAUL are: DAVID ARTHUR GILLIAT b 1935 not married ANDREW PAUL GILLIAT 1938 married in 1963 JANET VIRGINIA DAYNES 5TH GEN. ANDREW GILLIAT is a poultry expert and agricultural consultant. He lives in Leominster, England, but spent some time in Canada with the Cargill Poultry Division and recalls meeting Alfred Gilliat and his daughter Joy of Guelph Ontario. He married Janet Daynes in 1963 and they have a daughter Sophie Gilliat. 6TH GEN. SOPHIE GILLIAT b 1969 PhD. married KEITH RAY PhD Archaeologist. They were recently blessed with a daughter 7TH GEN. ANNA GILLIAT_RAY 2001. Sophia's writings and scholarly social papers have been given worldwide publicity on the Internet. She is Dr. Sophie Gilliat-Ray, with degrees in Theology, Interfaith Studies and Islamic Studies, a Cardiff Research Fellow in the Department of Religious and Theological Studies. Her husband is Dr. Keith Ray archaeologist for the County of Heredfordshire. ________________________________________________ 4TH GEN. DOROTHY GILLIAT (1892) was Arthur's eldest daughter and married COMMANDER ALISTAIR DENNISTON. CMG. AND CBE. around 1923. They had two children:- ROBIN DENNISTON b 1926 MARGRET DENNISTON Dorothy's husband, Cmd. Alistair Denniston, was known for his all important work during World War II as head of the Bletchley Park - British Government Code and Cipher School that was responsible for breaking German secret codes. He was credited as being part of the mission for bringing the first'Enigma' machine out of Poland just before the outbreak of W.W. II. Their son is:- 5TH GEN. ROBIN DENNISTON 1926 who is a Non-stipendiary Minister in the Church of England, a former publisher and a recent PhD for work he did on researching his father's activities in the war. He married (1) ANNE ALICE KYFFIN EVANS 1950, daughter of DR. GEOFFREY EVANS MD She died 1985 of cancer, then (2) ROSA PEAKE John Peake's adopted daughter, a distinguished research scientist working on cancer and sadly also died of breast cancer. Children of ROBIN DENNISTON and ANNE EVANS are: 6TH GEN. NICHOLAS DENNISTON, had three children SUSANNA 'SUE' DENNISTON. A Doctor of Med. Had one son CANDIDA DENNISTON No children _________________________________________________ 4TH GEN. KATLEEN GILLIAT (1893-) was Arthur's second daughter, she married GEOFFREY PEAKE in the early 1920s. He was a lawyer living in Leeds, they had two sons 5TH GEN. CHRISTOPHER PEAKE now a retired lawyer who married NOEL BAKER a singer, they had three children. The second son 6TH GEN. JOHN PEAKE was a farmer in Dorset who adopted two children one of whom, ROSA PEAKE, became the second wife of Robin Denniston. She was particularly clever and was a cancer research scientist. ________________________________________________ 4TH GEN. RUTH GILLIAT 1907 was the third daughter of Arthur married in 1935. HENRY ALFRED LONGDEN. Children of RUTH GILLIAT and HENRY LONGDEN are: JOHN LONGDEN b 1938 DOROTHY LONGDEN b 1936 ELIZABETH 'BIZ' LONGDEN 1944-2000 died with Brain Tumour MARY LONGDEN 5TH GEN. JOHN LONGDEN 1938 married Marion? In 1965 and they had three children:-. 6TH GEN. 1. SARAH LONGDEN married DAVID IRWIN She is a Pharmacist and he an Estate Agent. They have one child HANNAH IRWIN. 2. HENRY LONGDEN, Working for Schlumberger Kuala Lumpur an improvement on Tripoli his last posting, married to Deborah Layden and they have two children GRACE LONGDEN and HELGAR LONGDEN. (Note from N. Gilliat 'My son James Gilliat worked for Haliburton and was stationed in Kuala Lumpur for several years. Haliburton and Schumberger are competition in the oil industry.)' 3. RICHARD LONGDEN, m. KELIA LONGDEN. 5TH GEN. ELIZABETH LONGDEN 1944-2000 known as 'BIZ' was married in 1989 to ANDREW POTTER. Andrew is Port Superintendent for Cargill in Liverpool and deals in soya, maize and animal foods – he is a keen on shooting and fishing and has two Labrador retrievers. They also have two children:- EDWARD POTTER REBBECCA POTTER BACK TO THE CHILDREN OF GEORGE GILLIAT SON OF BENJAMIN. 3RD GEN. GEORGE HENRY GILLIAT 1850-1890 was the third son of GEORGE,married FRANCES ELIZABETH EARLE Children of GEORGE GILLIAT and FRANCES EARLE are: HENRY MARTYN GILLIAT 1881-1964 Anglican Minister at Bodsworth GEORGE NICHOLAS EARLE GILLIAT 1882-1968 ALGERNON EARLE GILLIAT 1884-1970 Was civil servant in India CHARLES BASIL GILLIAT 1885-1913 FRANCIS MERVYN GILLIAT 1886-1970 Potterhanworth Nr Lincoln m in 1918 HELEN SILBURN KATHERINE FRANCES NESTA GILLIAT 1890-1965 GEORGE HENRY (1850-1890) Another of Edward Gilliat's brothers, also left Lincolnshire and moved to Manchester where he married Frances Elizabeth Earle. Their first son, 4TH GEN. HENRY MARTYN GILLIAT was an Anglican Minister at Bodsworth, married in 1921 FLORA MILDRED MADDOX, they had five children and there is no further record of them. HENRY MARTYN GILLIAT 1881-1964 FRANCES MARY EMILY GILLIAT b 1922 ELAINE GILLIAT b 1924 MICHAEL MADDOCKS GILLIAT 1925-1980 unmarried HELEN MARGRET 1927-1930 Their second son was:- 4TH GEN. GEORGE NICHOLAS EARLE GILLIAT 1882-1968 married MAJORIE FLORENCE SCOTT on March 06, 1919 Children of GEORGE GILLIAT and MAJORIE SCOTT are: REV HENRY MARTYN GILLIAT GEORGE GILLIAT ALGERNON EARLE GILLIAT b Chancellor of Exchequer of Burma 1941 CHARLES BASIL GILLIAT Died in infancy. FRANCIS MERVYN GILLIAT Died without issue on February 07 1997 KATHERINE FRANCES NESTA GILLIAT b 1920 not marry JOHN MARTYN GILLIAT b December 04 1923 5TH GEN. REV HENRY MARTYN GILLIAT first son of George and Marjorie was an Anglican minister. He was married and had two children :- MICHAEL MADDOX GILLIAT, who died unmarried in 1980. FLORENCE MARY EMILY GILLIAT was married twice and has three children from each marriage. Lives in Scarborough; m (1) CARR and (2) HOOD ELAINE GILLIAT The third child of Rev. Henry was who has not married and lives in York There is no information on George the second son. 5TH GEN. ALGERNON EARLE GILLIAT (1884-1970) their third son had a distinguished career abroad. Educated at Manchester Grammar School and Wadham College, Oxford, he entered the Indian Civil Service. He held various important posts in India and was Chancellor of the Exchequer for Burma. He retired to Dorset in 1943 where he resided at Faulkland Lodge, Ferndown. He had two sons, the first: 6TH GEN. RICHARD NICHOLAS GILLIAT is currently living in Canterbury with his second wife MERRIEL. He had a daughter NANCY ELIZABETH GILLIAT who died in 1997. The second son ANTHONY EARLE GILLIAT, who died in January 07, 1996, never married. 5TH GEN. JOHN MARTYN GILLIAT BA (COM) FCA the youngest son of George and Marjorie, born December 04 1923 at his parents home 26 Albert Road Whalley Range, Manchester a residential 'Victorian' suburb of South Manchester. He is a charted Accountant now living in Stockport, Cheshire, England. John married MARY PATRICIA ROLLITT on 25th of July 1953. Rev. Henry Martyn Gilliat, his uncle, officiated at the ceremony. They have two children: 6TH GEN. SIMON TIMOTHY FRANCIS EARLE GILLIAT b May 08 1958 DR JOANNE MARY FRANCES GILLIAT b 7th February 1961 Joanne is not married and practices medicine in North Yorkshire. SIMON T. F. E. GILLIAT married SARAH YUEN FULLER and lives with their son 7TH GEN. JACK EDWARD HARRY FRANCIS GILLIAT in the French Alps where they operate a Ski Resort. _______________________________________________ The youngest son of George Gilliat 1802-1873 and his second wife Ann Caparn was:- FREDRICK GILLIAT 1837-1918, married ELIZABETH WARD in 1867 and they had two daughters LILIAN MARY GILLIAT 1867-1867 BEATRICE MARIANNE GILLIAT 1869-1904 He was married in 1867 to Elizabeth Ward and Frederick was listed in Kelly's Directory 1868 as a china and glass dealer, Market Place, Horncastle. They were living in a private residence in Church Lane, Horncastle. In the Post office Directory of 1885 he is still listed as a glass, china and earthen ware dealer of 46 Market Place, and he is listed again in 1892. (The dangers of taking assumptions!!! 'We have lately heard from a 'Rick' RICHARD GILLIAT who lives in UTAH, USA. Who has proof that his great grandfather was a FEDERICK GILLIAT who was born in Horncastle and owned a China Shop. The records confirm that there was such a gentleman born some years earlier than our Frederick and I believe he is right) Private/Major H.Gilliat (M.C.) Born Leeds 24th January 1888 Died Leeds 1961 Age 73. Harold Gilliat, son of Arthur & Gertrude Gilliat of Allerton Lodge, Moor Allerton, Leeds, was educated at Rugby school and later Leeds university were he studied maths, physics, chemistry, general engineering and dyeing. On completing his education in 1908 worked in the family chemical business of E.G.Jepson, Crown Point Road Leeds. After the outbreak of war, age 26, he enlisted as a Private in the "Pals" on the 9th of September 1914. Five months later, on the 4th of February 1915, he was offered and accepted a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant with the 8th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment (The Leeds Rifles ). His promotion to Lieutenant came on 1st of June 1916 with the temporary rank of Captain "whilst specially employed". This extra rank was given when he was permanently attached to D company, Special Section, Royal Engineers. These "Special Sections" were responsible for gas warfare and tunnelling in the trenches, so his attachment and rapid promotion was obviously due to his academic and highly technical background. He remained with the Royal Engineers throughout the war, most of his time spent in the front line trenches. A chance meeting with a French Army Doctor, a Captain Bonnamour, and a casual invitation to visit his Paris home, is how Harold Gilliat met is future wife Jeanne, the sister of Captain Bonnamour, She was 17 year old and nursing in a French Army hospital. They met, fell in love and were later married in Paris in 1919. Harold left the Army in 1919 as a Major and returned with his new bride to Leeds where he continued to work in the family business until his retirement. He became a well respected Justice of the peace on the Leeds bench, vice consul for the Netherlands, and a life long member of the Leeds Club and Alwoodley Golf Club. During the 2nd World War, Jeanne now having seen her home country invaded for the second time, voluntarily acted as translator for the French troops and the wounded who were hospitalised in and around Leeds. She later became the civil representative for General De Gaulle, and for this work was awarded the French LEGION OF HONOUR. We are indebted to H. Gilliat's Daughter who has donated a vast amount of letters, documents and photographs in her Father's memory. Descendants of Benjamin Gilliat Generation No. 1 1. Benjamin Gilliat (William2, William1) 1770-1837 in Horncastle Lincolnshire, married (1) Elizabeth Kirton, daughter of Robert Kirton and Elizabeth Stubbs. She was born December 15 1769, married (2) Rachel Clitherow 1814, 1773-1847. Children of Benjamin Gilliat and Elizabeth Kirton are: i. MARTHA GILLIAT b October 04 1798 d 1813 2. ii. SOPHIA GILLIAT b September 19 1800 Horncastle d October 1866 3. iii. GEORGE GILLIAT b June 14 1802 d 1873 Horncastle Lincolnshire iv. MARIA GILLIAT b April 09 1804 d 1813 Generation No. 2 2. Sophia Gilliat (Benjamin3, William2, William1) born September 19 1800 in Horncastle, died October 1866, married William Gilliat 1820, son of Richard Gilliat and Ann MacKinder. He was born January 16, 1791 in Son of Richard, died 1868 in Barham House, East Hoathly, Sussex. Lived Richmond VA. Children of Sophia Gilliat and William Gilliat are: 4. i. WILLIAM HENRY5 GILLIAT b 1822 d May 28 1855 ii. ELIZABETH GILLIAT d 1903 m REV H ROBINSON 5. iii. RICHARD GILLIAT b 1822 3. George Gilliat (Benjamin3, William2, William1) born June 14 1802, died 1873 in Horncastle Lincolnshire, married (1) Ann Caparn May 07 1833 born in Newark, died July 29 1837 in childbirth married (2) Cathherine Betham April 30 1840 born in Lincoln Children of George Gilliat and Ann Caparn are: i. FANNY GILLIAT b November 27 1834 d 1914 6. ii. FREDRICK GILLIAT b July 28 1836 d 1918 Children of George Gilliat and Cathherine Betham are: 7. iii. EDWARD GILLIAT b November 26 1841 d 1915 iv. CHARLES GILLIAT b Nov 01 1843 d 1897 m M HILL v. KATHERINE GILLIAT b December 28 1844 d 1920 m SAM BAKER vi. MARY GILLIAT b July 24 1846 vii. ELEANOR GILLIAT b May 11 1848 d 1920 8. viii. GEORGE HENRY GILLIAT b March 08 1850 d 1890 ix. JESSIE MARIA GILLIAT b 1852 m DR EDWARD JEPSON MD at Durham 9. x. ARTHUR GILLIAT 1855-1935 Leeds (Chemical Merchant) Generation No. 3 4. William Henry5 Gilliat (Sophia4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born 1822,died May 28 1855 married Maria Gilliat May 28, 1851. She was born 1823 in Daughter of Adkin J. Gilliat Scrafield, and died 1908. Children of William Gilliat and Maria Gilliat are: 10. i. HUBERT ADKIN6 GILLIAT b March 24 1852 d London ii. EVELYN AUGUSTA GILLIAT b January 30 1853 m REV C.E.SAUNDERS 5. Richard5 Gilliat (Sophia4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born 1822, married Emily Sarah Clode April 18 1861 in St. Jame's Morpeth, NSW. Australia, daughter of John Clode and Sarah Potts. She was born 1843 in St. Peter's West Maitland, NSW. Australia. Children of Richard Gilliat and Emily Clode are: 11. i. SYDNEY WILLIAM ERNST6 GILLIAT b 4/5/1862 at Mount Torrens, Seaham parish of morpeth,co Northumberland. NSW ii. ADELAIDE ALEXANDER GILLIAT b 1864 m CRAGG? iii. FRANK TRENTHAM GILLIAT b 1865 m (1) ELLEN PRICE m (2) RHODA A ROBINSON 1917 iv. VIRGINIA SOPHIA GILLIAT 6. Fredrick5 Gilliat (George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born July 28 1836, died 1918 married Elizabeth Ward 1867. Children of Fredrick Gilliat and Elizabeth Ward are: i. LILIAN MARY6 GILLIAT 1867-1867 ii. BEATRICE MARIANNE GILLIAT 1869-1904 7. Edward5 Gilliat (George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born November 26 1841, died 1915, married (2) Emily Louisa Bonus 1871 She died 1912. Children of Edward Gilliat are: i. GERTRUDE EMMELINE6 GILLIAT b 1876 ii. ENID MARY GILLIAT b 1879 m ADAM KIETH 1910 d Rangoon iii. EDWARD NORMAN GILLIAT 1881-1918 Killed in France WWI iv. NESTA CATHERINE GILLIAT b 1881 v. LIIAS ELIZA GILLIAT b 1878 Children of Edward Gilliat and Emily Bonus are: vi. LILUS ELIZABETH6 GILLIAT b 1878 vii. NESTA CATHERINE GILLIAT b 1887 8. George Henry5 Gilliat (George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born March 08 1850, died 1890. He married Frances Elizabeth Earle. Children of George Gilliat and Frances Earle are: 12. i. HENRY MARTYN6 GILLIAT 1881-1964, Anglican Minister at Bodsworth. 13. ii. GEORGE NICHOLAS GILLIAT 1882-1968 14. iii. ALGERNON EARLE GILLIAT 1884-1970 Was civil servant in India iv. CHARLES BASIL GILLIAT 1885-1913 v. FRANCIS MERVYN GILLIAT 1886-1970 Potterhanworth Nr Lincoln m HELEN SILBURN 1918 vi. KATHERINE FRANCES NESTA GILLIAT 1890-1965 9. Arthur5 Gilliat (George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) 1855-1935 died in Leeds (Chemical Merchant), married Mary Gertrude Sowry 1887 in All Souls Leeds. She was born 1866. Children of Arthur Gilliat and Mary Sowry are: 15. i. HAROLD GILLIAT b January 24 1888 16. ii. DOROTHY MARY GILLIAT b January 23 1892 17. iii. KATHLEEN GILLIAT b September 17 1893 18. iv. ARTHUR RAYMOND GILLIAT b April 23 1898 19. v. RUTH GILLIAT b February 22 1907 Generation No. 4 10. Hubert Adkin6 Gilliat (William Henry5, Sophia4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born March 24, 1852, died in London, married Fanny Mackwood. She died 1939. Children of Hubert Gilliat and Fanny Mackwood are: i. LIONEL OSWALD7 GILLIAT b 1887 m CASSANDRA PAGE-TURNER 1913 d 1965 ii. HUGH GILLIAT iii. EVELYN GRACE GILLIAT b 1887 d Unknown m HYDE Proffessor de Seigneux 11. Sydney William Ernst6 Gilliat (Richard5, Sophia4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born 4/5/1862 at Mount Torrens, Seaham parish of morpeth,co Northumberland. NSW, married Jane Parnel Bugnall-Oakley Children of Sydney Gilliat and Jane Oakley are: 20. i. RALPH7 GILLIAT d November 29 1963 Kansas City ii. WINIFRED GILLIAT iii. LEOFRIC GILLIAT b 1923 Australia? iv. MARJORIE GILLIAT 12. Henry Martyn6 Gilliat (George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) 1881-1964 Anglican Minister at Bodsworth, married Flora Mildred Maddox 1921 Children of Henry Gilliat and Flora Maddox are: i. FRANCES MARY EMILY7 GILLIAT b 1922 ii. ELAINE GILLIAT b 1924 iii. MICHAEL MADDOCKS GILLIAT b 1925 iv. HELEN MARGARET 1927-1930 13. George Nicholas6 Gilliat (George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) 1882-1968 He married Majorie Florence Scott March 06, 1919. Children of George Gilliat and Majorie Scott are: 21. i. REV HENRY MARTYN7 GILLIAT ii. GEORGE GILLIAT 22. iii. ALGERNON EARLE GILLIAT Chancellor of Exchequer of Burma 1941. iv. CHARLES BASIL GILLIAT Died in infancy v. FRANCIS MERVYN GILLIAT Died without issue February 07 1997 vi. KATHERINE FRANCES NESTA GILLIAT, b. 1920, Did not marry. 23. vii. JOHN MARTYN GILLIAT, b. December 04, 1923, 26 Albert Road, Manchester.; d. Was an account manager in Manchester. 14. Algernon Earle6 Gilliat (George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born 1884, and died 1970 in Was civil servant in India. He married Hazel Margret Alexander 1917. Children of Algernon Gilliat and Hazel Alexander are: 24. i. RICHARD NICHOLAS7 GILLIAT, b. 1920. ii. NANCY ELIZABETH GILLIAT, b. 1924; m. JOHN IMNER; b. USA. iii. ANTONY GILLIAT, b. 1926. 15. Harold6 Gilliat (Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born January 24, 1888. He married Jeane Boneamour 1919. She was born in French nurse. Children of Harold Gilliat and Jeane Boneamour are: i. JEANNINE MARY FRANCES7 GILLIAT, b. 1922, Leeds -21 Bedford Court; m. EDWARD PETER NICHOLSON, 1944. ii. MONIQUE CECILE GILLIAT, b. 1926, Lived in Leeds; m. TREVOR HOLDSWORTH. 16. Dorothy Mary6 Gilliat (Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born January 23, 1892. She married Rev. Robin Alistair Denniston 1917. Children of Dorothy Gilliat and Rev. Denniston are: 25. i. ROBIN7 DENNISTON b 1926 ii. MARGRET DENNISTON 17. Kathleen6 Gilliat (Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born September 17, 1893 married Geoffrey C. Peake 1924. Children of Kathleen Gilliat and Geoffrey Peake are: i. CHRISTOPHER7 PEAKE, b. Lawyer in Leeds - three children m NOEL BARKER ii. JOHN PEAKE b Farmer in Dorset 18. Arthur Raymond6 Gilliat (Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born April 23, 1898 married Diana Mary Paul 1934. She was born 1913. Children of Arthur Gilliat and Diana Paul are: i. DAVID ARTHUR7 GILLIAT, b. 1935. 26. ii. ANDREW PAUL GILLIAT, b. 1938. 19. Ruth6 Gilliat (Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born February 22, 1907 married Henry Alfred Longden 1935. Children of Ruth Gilliat and Henry Longden are: 27. i. JOHN7 LONGDEN, b. 1938. ii. DOROTHY LONGDEN, b. 1936. 28. iii. ELIZABETH LONGDEN, b. 1944, Known as Biz; d. 2000, Liverpool with Brain Tumour. iv. MARY LONGDEN. v. JENNIFER LONGDEN, b. 1946. Generation No. 5 20. Ralph7 Gilliat (Sydney William Ernst6, Richard5, Sophia4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) died November 29, 1963 in Kansas City, married Elizabeth M died August 30 1965 in St Joseph, Mo Children of Ralph Gilliat and Elizabeth M are: 29. i. WILLIAM RALPH8 GILLIAT b October 3 11920 St. Joseph MO d Mar 9th ii. WILSON GILLIAT b Pensacola Florida. iii. ANNE GILLIAT b. Kansas City m. VAN DYNE. 21. Rev Henry Martyn7 Gilliat (George Nicholas6, George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) Children of Rev Henry Martyn Gilliat are: i. MICHAEL MADDOX8 GILLIAT, d. 1980, unmarried. ii. FLORENCE MARY EMILY GILLIAT, b. has three chilfren from each marriage- Lives in Scarborough; m. (1) CARR; m. (2) HOOD. iii. ELAINE GILLIAT, b. not married - lives in York. 22. Algernon Earle7 Gilliat (George Nicholas6, George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) Chancellor of Exchequer of Burma 1941. Children of Algernon Earle Gilliat are: 30. i. RICHARD NICHOLAS8 GILLIAT, d. Live in Canterbury. ii. ANTHONY EARLE GILLIAT, d. January 07, 1996, never married. 23. John Martyn7 Gilliat (George Nicholas6, George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born December 04, 1923 in 26 Albert Road, Manchester, Was an account manager in Manchester. He married Mary Patricia Rollitt July 25, 1953 in officiate Rev. Henry Martyn Gilliat. Children of John Gilliat and Mary Rollitt are: 31. i. SIMON TIMOTHY FRANCIS EARLE8 GILLIAT, b. May 08, 1958. ii. DR JOANNE MARY FRANCES GILLIAT, b. 1961, Practice in North YorKshire. 24. Richard Nicholas7 Gilliat (Algernon Earle6, George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born 1920 married Winifred Spense 1945. Child of Richard Gilliat and Winifred Spense is: i. FRANCES8 GILLIAT, b. 1947. 25. Robin7 Denniston (Dorothy Mary6 Gilliat, Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born 1926 married (1) Rosa Peake married (2) Anne Alice Kyffin Evans 1950, daughter of Dr. Geoffrey Evans MD. She died 1985. Children of Robin Denniston and Anne Evans are: i. NICHOLAS8 DENNISTON, b. has three children. ii. SUSANNA DENNISTON. iii. CANDIDA DENNISTON. 26. Andrew Paul7 Gilliat (Arthur Raymond6, Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born 1938 married Janet Virginia Daynes 1963. Child of Andrew Gilliat and Janet Daynes is: 32. i. SOPHIE8 GILLIAT, b. 1969, Also PhD.. 27. John7 Longden (Ruth6 Gilliat, Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born 1938. He married Marion Children of John Longden and Marion are: 33. i. SARAH8 LONGDEN. 34. ii. HENRY LONGDEN, b. Working for Schlumberger KL. iii. RICHARD LONGDEN, m. KELIA. 28. Elizabeth7 Longden (Ruth6 Gilliat, Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born 1944 in Known as Biz, died 2000 in Liverpool with Brain Tumour married Andrew Potter 1989. He was born in Liverpool with Cargill. Children of Elizabeth Longden and Andrew Potter are: i. EDWARD8 POTTER. ii. REBBECCA POTTER. Generation No. 6 29. William Ralph8 Gilliat (Ralph7, Sydney William Ernst6, Richard5, Sophia4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) born october 3 1920 St. Joseph MO died Mar 9th 1987 married Jane Thomasine Curry. She was born April 05 1924 in Kansas City, died May 17 1993 Children of William Gilliat and Jane Curry are: i. BRUCE CURRY9 GILLIAT, b. 1959, 05/05/ 1959 Fairfeild. County of Solano CA.; m. JEAN GRAHAM. ii. DENISE WRAY GILLIAT, b. 1950, 01/07/ 1950 Fairfield. County od Solano CA.; m. NORGARD. 30. Richard Nicholas8 Gilliat (Algernon Earle7, George Nicholas6, George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) died in Live in Canterbury. He married Meriel. Child of Richard Gilliat and Meriel is: i. NANCY ELIZABETH9 GILLIAT, d. 1997. 31. Simon Timothy Francis Earle8 Gilliat (John Martyn7, George Nicholas6, George Henry5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born May 08, 1958. He married Sarah Yuen Fuller December 22, 1996. Child of Simon Gilliat and Sarah Fuller is: i. JACK EDWARD HARRY FRANCIS9 GILLIAT. 32. Sophie8 Gilliat (Andrew Paul7, Arthur Raymond6, Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born 1969 in Also PhD.. She married Keith Ray. He was born in Archaeologist PhD. Child of Sophie Gilliat and Keith Ray is: i. ANNA9 RAY, b. 2001. 33. Sarah8 Longden (John7, Ruth6 Gilliat, Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) She married David Urwin. Child of Sarah Longden and David Urwin is: i. HANNAH9 URWIN. 34. Henry8 Longden (John7, Ruth6 Gilliat, Arthur5, George4, Benjamin3, William2, William1) was born in Working for Schlumberger KL. He married Deborah. Children of Henry Longden and Deborah are: i. GRACE9 LONGDEN. ii. MEGHAN LONGDEN. Descendants of Samuel Gilliat Generation No. 1 1. Samuel3 Gilliat (William2, William1) was born July 07, 1772, and died 1814 in Surgeon in Horncastle Lincolnshire. He married (1) Jane May Kirton, daughter of Robert Kirton and Elizabeth Stubbs. She was born May 31, 1777, and died 1805. He married (2) Martha Hutchison. She was born 1767, and died 1838. Children of Samuel Gilliat and Jane Kirton are: i. HENRY4 GILLIAT, b. June 16, 1801; d. February 1832, Horncastle. ii. FREDRICK KIRTON GILLIAT, b. 1801; d. 1804. Child of Samuel Gilliat and Martha Hutchison is: 2. iii. MARY FRANCES4 GILLIAT, b. 1807. Generation No. 2 2. Mary Frances4 Gilliat (Samuel3, William2, William1) was born 1807. She married H.F.Connington 1828. He was born in Ranby Nr Redford, Lincs.. Children of Mary Gilliat and H.F.Connington are: i. HENRY FRANCES5 CONNINGTON, b. 1830. ii. MARY CONNINGTON. iii. ANN CONNINGTON, m. COL. HARLEY. |
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